Tis the Season.....
Yes, the festive season is upon us! Somehow, we have arrived at the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ already. With five weeks until Christmas it would usually be time to dust off your decorations, find your tree stand, and start the task of shopping for your loved ones.
Set Yourself Up For Successful Sleep
Since infancy we’ve had the importance of ‘good hygiene’ drilled into us. Washing our hair, hands, clothing, bedding, houses…these all become second nature from an early age - a part of our daily routines.
Juggling The Three B's: Billy J, The Business and Baby Number Two!
Wow what a crazy, amazing rollercoaster the last six months have been... From the chaos of a global pandemic and the Carra Lee business absolutely taking off, to mothering a high energy, excitable Scorpio baby like Billy J – it’s been all systems go, that’s for sure!
Spring Into Action!
Despite it feeling like February was just yesterday, we’ve somehow found ourselves three quarters of the way through 2020 – with spring right around the corner. How??! I guess that’s one of the (many) side-effects of a global pandemic: we lose our sense of time.
Love Your Lumps!
Is it just me or is it even harder lately to feel good in your body?
I guess it’s a normal phenomenon for this time of year: the days are getting cooler and unpredictable weather makes it harder to get outside and keep active. We feel more inclined to warm, hearty meals than a salad at lunch. It’s getting easier and easier to opt for a Netflix and chill session, than to head to the beach for a swim. The result: feeling more lethargic (and slightly lumpier!) than we did in summer.
What’s ‘Normal’ These Days?
We have spent the last six weeks in a kind of hibernation. Cocooned from the wider world. Our days have slowed right down. Time has begun to mean something different. Instead of rushing through our morning routines, doing school drop offs, spending eight hours in an office and squeezing in gym sessions or evening catch ups before making our way home for the night, we have been confined to our houses.
Practicing Self Love in A Pandemic
In my last blog I spoke a lot about gratitude and being appreciative of the beauty that surrounds us each day, and this message has never been more pertinent.
Our country, and the world, are still slap bang in the middle of the Covid19 pandemic and re-adjusting to new realities each day. For many of us this has meant spending more time indoors and away from our colleagues, friends and family.
Living Life With Gratitude
Back in January, I took a trip to Hong Kong with our then 2month old baby and it made me realise just how lucky I am – with all of the beautiful things I have in my life at home.
The New Year symbolises new beginnings, and offers us a chance to start afresh and anew. It is seen as an invitation to set new goals and resolutions, but what about also appreciating what we already have.
The Art Of Giving For Christmas
Christmas is the time for giving, not only to your loved ones but also to yourself.
As busy women, too many of us LOVE giving to others but when it comes to giving to ourselves or receiving from others we are super uncomfortable.
As a new mum, I spend 9o% of my time giving to my son – which I totally love – but I’ve realised I actually find it difficult to ask for help or to even accept the offer of an extra set of hands as I need it. This is simply due to the fact that I’ve always been an over-caretaker and nurturer and receiving is something that takes work for me. I’m sure a lot of you ladies can relate.
15 Minutes With Carra Lee.
My passion for health and fitness began…
When I was about 15 I had this insatiable need to get into shape and feel great about myself after my first proper breakup (i’m sure we’ve all been there right ?!)
I also wanted to feel like I could protect myself from any enemy (yes perhaps I got dumped for another girl) so I chose kickboxing as my modality of exercise.
Guilt- Free Birthing With Carra Lee.
I’m thrilled to officially introduce you to my son Billy J and wanted to take this opportunity to share with my tribe my journey through labour, the insights I have and what I’ve learnt.
I’m a first time mother, so I felt a little bombarded with advice and information from every angle on how to prepare my baby and myself for labour. And there are certainly some strong opinions out there in regard to pain management.
Carra Lee Active Is Born.
I have some amazing news to share with you!
After four years in the making, involving copious amounts of research and product testing, we have finally released our own activewear line!
Ever since I started working in the fitness industry 20 years ago, I always had a dream to create my own line based on my experience of knowing what women of all shapes and sizes want and need in exercise apparel.
The Benefits of Celery Juice - the Cleanser, Healer and Aphrodisiac!
It seems that everywhere I go at the moment, people are talking about the benefits of celery juice and how it has been changing lives. My friends are doing it, it’s all over the internet, it’s all over the place!
People are claiming that it heals autoimmune diseases and improves gut health as well as your sex life!
Complete Proteins - How To Get Enough Protein Out Of A Vegan Diet
When you choose a plant-based diet, you’re not only looking after your body, but you’re looking after the environment as well.
On the flip side, a vegan diet can also make you very sick if you aren’t getting enough protein.
The Easy Way To Manifest The Life You Want
I’m not saying my life is perfect here... no one’s is. But sometimes I have to look around at all the gifts that I have in my life and pinch myself.
You see, over the years, I have come to learn the art of manifesting. It’s not hard – it’s FUN!
All it takes is a bit of daily practice so that you can change those deeply ingrained beliefs and change our thoughts from being negative – to positive.
The Top 5 Human Cravings And How To Stop Them
I recently stumbled across a TED talk by Mandy Saligari and she said something that got me thinking about cravings and addiction:
"Addiction is the pattern of delegating your emotional process to something outside of yourself that backfires on you!"
We all get a craving for some things (or a lot of things!) through different stages of our lives... fattening food, sugar- laden treats, alcohol, sex, tobacco… the list goes on! It’s all dependent on the individual’s constitution, stress levels and environment.
3 Lifestyle Tips To Healthy Fertility
Since the announcement of my mini-me, I’ve received so many lovely messages and would like to say thank you so much – it means a lot.
I’ve also had a lot of questions in regards to health and fertility. And let me tell you – I’ve spoken to the best in the biz, got all kinds of treatment and advice, I’ve researched till the wee hours of the night.
So here are some of the best tips I have to assisting with your fertility naturally.
Fertility Issues in Your 30s and My Journey to Pregnancy
I’m thrilled to announce that there is a mini Carra Lee brewing in my belly.
On the 25th of October we are expecting a little boy and I can already sense his little scorpion sting for passion (just like his mum) oozing through me!
Now that I’m into my second trimester I’m feeling a deep desire to share my pregnancy journey with my tribe. Especially to those women out there that are having issues with fertility or have been told fear statistics about fertility in your 30s.
The Essentials To Omega Fatty Acids
We all have heard that we need to consume omega 3's, 6's and 9's but do we even know what the difference is between them or what combination which is necessary so we do in fact get a health benefit and not an inflammation response in our body?
The answer for most people will probably be no and in fact, most people just think of fish consumption as being suffice to get your 'omegas', however this is not exactly the case.
Life Goals And How They Determine Happiness
So many people unfortunately are stuck in the ‘happiness trap’ which means they think the more they have and the more they achieve in the material world, the happier they will be.
In yoga we say that “happiness is an inside job” and what we mean by that is, your perception of your own reality is what will determine the lens you look out of and hence, you have conscious control over the way you feel.
The Art Of Relaxation
Busy woman all over the world are constantly stuck of the ‘stress express’, running from work to family, appointments and school not realising that this time trial we are trapped in, is causing havoc in our body.
We are sadly in a epidemic of woman feeling guilty about slowing down and taking time for self care. They believe there are simply not enough hours in the day to satisfy all of the demands placed on them from all areas of their lives.
You Are What You Eat
Everything that you consume through food source is responsible for the development of every cell in your body.
According to Nutritionists, 90 % of the volume of the food you eat gets absorbed for cellular development and only a tiny 10% is excreted. So the claim "it just goes straight through me" is a MYTH!!
Good Fats = Weight Loss
I am asked daily by my clients questions relating to the pros and cons of consuming fats, particularly saturated fats derived from coconuts and commonly fats in general. There is clearly mainstream confusion relating to the consumption of fats. Let me explain;
Firstly know your fats;
Saturated fat: found naturally in animal sources – red meat, poultry, fish etc. and also coconut,
Mono-unsaturated fats: naturally found in plant-based sources -nuts, seeds, avocado .
Trans fat: Trace amounts found naturally in a small group of foods but primarily made from oils through a food processing method called partial hydrogenation eg. Vegetable oil and canola oil, which are both used in the preparation of most fast foods and sweets.
The Guilt Free Way To Start Saying No
Woman have a real adversity to saying no regardless of how demanding their schedule is jugging family, careers and their personal life. The ‘yes train’ seems to be a learnt response and unfortunately this consistently contributes to our ever-increasing amount of burn-outs in busy woman across our nation.
By constantly burning the candle at both ends and trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations, we are likely to risk getting fatter, more unhealthy and more depressed. If you too struggle with saying no here are some helpful tips:
Active Wear The New Everyday Wear, Workout Or Not.
Every café you walk into these days are filled with waves of lycra and colour as active wear takes over woman’s wardrobes by storm.
Gone are the days where woman need to have three different outfits per day and rather, one pair of comfy leggings which can be dressed up, dressed down, worked out in or even swam in!
Look Good, Feel Great, Save The Planet For 2019.

During this time, I am reminded how important it is to bring some happiness and joy into our lives even if this means relaxing some of our important Health goals and objectives.